May 21, 2010

Horrible News

Well, the day has finally come....... my doctor said that I HAVE to lose weight!
I have to confess that when the nurse was weighing me I thought it was a joke - I was praying that I was on candid camera. But sadly, that wasn't the case. I weigh more now than I ever have.

So, I'm trying to get a good attitude about everything I'm about to endure.
No more sweets, no more fried chicken, no more sweet tea ! (This is where I would say "No more fun"!)
But I can't think like that - I'm changing my lifestyle - I will feel better, sleep better & play better :)
So today, May 21st 2010, marks the 1st day of the rest of my life.
I'm posting all of this to help me - I'm hoping that all of you will help support me in this new journey of becoming healthy & happy with myself. So, please leave comments of encouragement, everyday tips & healthy recipes!!
I can't fail at this one.... . . . I just can't.


Before & After


  1. Girl you know more than anyone that I am here for you!!! I have lost 2 pant sizes and I feel So much better! I am not completely where I want to be but I am close!!! I know how strong of a person you are and I know that if anyone can do this it is you! I love you and I am here for you all the WAY!!!!!

    Love, Amy

  2. YOu are to cute. I have some recipes here that you might want to try. Benny is allergic to wheat so many of the recipes don't include bread products and have many veggies in them. I can give them to you at church. I'm proud of how obedient you are being to your doctors wishes. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND YOU CAN DO IT GIRL!!!
