May 24, 2010

Is This Over Yet?

I am realizing that I have a mental love affair with food.
I love eating good food when I'm happy, sad, anxious, or bored. 
It temporarily fixes everything! Because when I eat that hot, fresh, mouth-watering food I don't have to deal with whatever is going on. It's not easy to admit that food, especially sweets, is my drug of choice. 

So, I've made it over the weekend on my diet & I'm so proud of myself!
I've eaten fruits, veggies & watched my portions. 
I even went out & bought a digital scale so I would know just exactly what I weigh & how much I'm losing. 
I don't know whether to weigh every morning or just once a week - I've heard a good debate from both sides.
It's really easy to get stoked up in the beginning, but it's just been a few days & I'm already feeling blah about this whole thing. So, please leave me comments of support or I would love some recipes! 

Signing out for now - we will see how this day goes. 

1 comment:

  1. THe first step to over coming any stronghold in our life is admitting that its there. YOu are doing great and I'm so very proud of you. Every time you feel weak think of your end goal and continue to persevere! YOu can do it sister!!!
