Jun 8, 2010

Murphy's Law

"Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong."
Everyone knows this famous saying. It's hard enough keeping a positive attitude when everything is going right, because we know when things seem to be going smoothly...WHaCK!...Murphy's Law
hits you head-on.
And right now I could really complain about the things that haven't gone right, but I wont.
It's not worth it.Worrying wont fix my problems or make me feel any better.
It normally makes it 10x's worse.
So, as I'm swinging in my hammock on the back porch - I'm trying to name just 5 things right now that are wonderful. Ok, here goes nothing:
1. I'm in my hammock just swinging away
2. Bear is right beside me & he loves when I'm home
3.The only thing I hear right now are the crickets singing that familiar song
4. My husband & family are freakin' fantastic
5. I have the freedom to have an opinion & write about absolute squat if I want to.
My brother always says, "When you think you have it bad, someone else has it much worse".  And as I get older I realize that that is 100% true. We get caught up in such pettiness - that we lose track of what really matters. We rely so much on other people that we can hardly do anything for ourselves, and we take for granted the people that we love - that we don't even realize it until it's too late.
So,I will wrap this up with one thing. To all my friends & family, "I love you!" I know that I don't show it enough or say it enough.


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